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❤Baby i want to love you,hold you❤
26 November 2009Y

Hey people, i wonder how many of u would b reading this =O
Ytd went to www with a crazy woman named denise.LOL
yeahh,she was the one who asked me to blog abt it.
the pink n blue slides were great!!!! Rmb to play them whn u go www =D
thn..dun play the BIG yellow slide(denise named it da huang), its SO boring... -.-
juz quietly slide down til its over, how boring....
thn the floor thr is dumb. its like stepping on thorns whn u step on it.
denise got a blister bcuz of it XD yay!
n that was our first time we miss our slippers =.=
thn we went home aft playing u-lar-lah!!!!!!
ok, first thing i did when i got home: get scolded T.T
got home quite late hahas
end of post BYE!

ends at 8:03 AM

27 October 2009Y

yesterday was ah juan's birthday! :D
lol -.-
today was a.................bleahh day
nothing rly happened,yeahh..
juz got back my result slip n *SHOCK*
drop ALOT :( saddddd..
class position increase,lvl postion increase
great deprovement T.T but i failed nothing!(didn't rly make me happy though D:)

ends at 9:31 PM

20 October 2009Y

went lot 1 ytd wid mad n daph!
watched cloudy haha :D
i noe its lame -.-"

aft going lot1 went daph hse
thn she serve us water :) n guess wad?
she doesnt even noe how put ice into cup O.O
haha..she put the ice into the cup but the cup keep toppling thn the ice drop out
tsk tsk...cnt be good wife LOL
thn i got myself a stead~! n her name is...MADDY!<3
hah! so lame n homo :)

thn today got sch...like duh?
so retarded shit sia..
forgot put alarm thn wake up kinda late :P
thn reach sch do normal things..
homec lesson my phone was confiscated by some shit tcher who i dun even noe the name?
during maths lesson,i found out mdm rohaila rawkz! yeahh!
haha..for some reasons >.-
recess was..sian
english go student plaza
thn insyi,has,atikah left cuz got workshop :(
sent denise to chinese class for her higher mt,thn she sent me to my class,thn i send her bac again..lame XD
chinese lesson was SUPER retarded bcuz of the tcher
the foockin dumbass shit tcher XP
she ask ppl read the paragraphs frm chinese paper =.="
which actually made the lesson boring n meaningless..foock..
feel like pointing middle finger to her sia. __
thn hpp1 was abt love n infatuation(word i nvr heard bfore)
kinda umm..boring
thn insyi giv me bac my phone,i think hasi take frm the tcher n ask her pass to me :O
i was emo-ing cuz my phone is nt wid me bfore i got it back
thn homed n blah~
an early happy bday to shilin n jingyi! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

ends at 8:39 PM

17 October 2009Y

wad a random day...
nth happened,,,,,,,,,,,hom-ing all day long -.-
bored yeahh..
urghh..im growing fat everywhere 0.O
n im currently having toothache due to overdose of sweets
fruit plus strawberry flavour,thats the cause of my toothache :(
oh yeahh,happy deepavali!
none of my business anyways =.="
yay ppl tagged me! thanks all :)
k bye

ends at 10:37 PM

16 October 2009Y
blogskin changed! >.-

yeahh changed blogskin :)
happy-ing today!
got back results for EOY
and guess wad?
gratz to me yeahh? ;D
not oni maths,i didnt fail geog n lit also
hahahahahahahahahaha..thts the result of mugging the day before exam :)
but then art,i gt same mark as fats
which obviously means bad news to me :(
honestly,i did emo for a while bcuz of tht..LOL
shermaine was so sad abt her reults :<
let's study hard nxt year yeah?
hmm..yeahh thats all =)

ends at 2:55 PM

09 October 2009Y

Wee~! trying to revive my blog, ONCE AGAIN..
hmm..before i write anything, thr r some random stuff i wanna say :)
Firstly, FATS IS SUPER UGLY! i mean fugly :(((
everybody agrees rite? >.-
secondly, gloves wid a pig face on it is super cute :D
thirdly, m&m make u fat but it rawks!
fourthly, i feel super random now ~.~
gratz to me! i havent finish art n im reviving my blog, wow~
then for eoy my geog,lit,maths,science,homec confirm fail
congrats to me again.. :((
urghh..i feel foockish(random word created by pyp)
k now im gonna say a random goodbye

ends at 7:37 PM

05 July 2009Y

u muz be wonderin whose birthday issit today
actually its BBT XIAOYU's birthday!!
umm..some of u may be wondering who xiaoyu is
if u dunno,nvm..
Happy Birthday Comments
so..this thing above is for him ^^
yeahh..he will nvr c it of cuz D:
uhh..saddddddd T.T

reply tags
Mandy:Hi!!!!!! =DD
Crystal:We all worse than u lehh..need go sch thn oso have alot of hmwrk :( at least u noneed wake up early everyday
atikah:) :LOL OF CUZ I NOE U TOKIN MALAY!!wth..u flood my whole tagboard >:( haha
daphine:tagged u liaos >.- n replied the tag in ur tagboard oso le
bearlover:nvm..u oso not interested in bbt de :P u oni interested in ur kimbum n xhz
yinhui:hihi :DD ty for the tag!!

ends at 11:53 PM

04 July 2009Y

woo~ hi
went out wid linqq again ^^
linqq wanted to go west spring sec thr for some reasons
thn take lrt n walk walk
n found out we were kinda lost O.o
i was cryin for mama inside -.-
but finally c the sch :D
went to bpp ljs to meet linqq sis
thn we went to comics collection<3>
thn bks got offer then $1 for one bk
wow..i fell in love wid comics collection once more
stayed in thr for almost an hour?!
linqq bought some useless(no offence) kimbum cards i bought 4 useful bks :DD
ltr rush to meet linqq sis thn linqq sis angry cuz we late
paisehh..its all my fault T.T
go hme changed n went play bad linqq late so angry >:(
instead of playin bad,we went buy food eat
which means i grew fat instead of slimmin down
*faints* =.=
thn ltr go bew n xhz thr
xhz door closed again D:
ltr went to play bad
linqq keep hittin outcourt
wad a "pick-up-ball-ish" game..
thn ltr go xhz thr again
n linqq said some dumb stuff abt me n bew
she say wad bew n i die tgt wth curse me :<

wad a weird imagination she have..
aft tht went keat hong buy linqq dinner thn go home lo

reply tags
denise:yahh i feng le!!RAWR!!BANG BANG TANG RAWKZ!!!<3
samantha:yay u tagged!! :D
atikah:) :LOL wtf u tokin?! O.o haha thnx taggin! YEAH!!
daphine:a big thank u to u!! ^^
yiling: mwahaha..THANKS!!
shermaine:thankies!! ai ni worhh =)
Elise:aft years of waitin,U FINALLY TAGGED ME!!
Fatty mad: xie xie lahh >.-
Ruth: Thts becoz u oso nvr tag me wad!! i will tag u de lahh, fang xin ;D

ends at 10:41 PM

01 July 2009Y

u may feel tht the songs r lame (like my sis)
n u may think im lame O.o
but dun say it thnx ^^
oh yeahh..one of the songs is frm choc 7
hope u like it luhh... :}

atikah dun understand the lyrics nvm lahh...
the song v nice hahas XD

reply tags

wanling:yozzz... linked u!! ;D
atikah:) : LOL u always tag so many times one :D thank u!!
daphine:chey.. -.-
bearlover: yepps i wish u can see ur xhz luhh...
shermaine:hahas... :)
mandy: hihi! thnx ^^
Glen:xie xie ni >.-
yiling:lawlz u oso emo retard!!! XD
Fatty mad:yay u tagged me!! :O

ends at 10:48 PM

24 June 2009Y

went out wid linqq tuhday,again ;D
as usual went to bew n xiaohaizi thr
thn played badminton
cuz it was rainin
we had to playin shelter
walao curse tht low ceiling :(
high ball keep hittin the ceiling
thn keep pickin up ball wth -.-
bendin down standin up bendin down standin up
aww..i think i will ache all over soon D:
but i was happy luhh ;D
aft sometime linqq saw some ppl she dun wan c
so we went 2 foodlion
bout some stuff thn she say she wan go 253 thr
on the way,some guy said hi frm nowhere
but look ard c nobody thn continue walkin
suddenly a battery fell frm nowhere n dropped infrnt of us
linqq nvr notice anything but my soul almost flyaway~
aft tht reach le thn bout wad she wan
we were at xiaohaizi thr again
his door closed luhh so sadd
thn cnt peek wads happenin inside
somehow i felt like we were the paparazzi.. -.-
oh yeah atikah's back frm malaysia today
lets welcome her back!!! hahahahas..LOL
okay gonna end this post cuz still have 3 more chpt of maths
10 more pics to draw for art
n a script n poem for chinese
omg c how pathetic i am
so i will end this post

after i have replied tags!!

Reply tags
shermaine:yeahh have to chiong le if not die liaos :( hahas
glen:thnx for taqqin!!!
daphine:yah lah got buy for u lahh lawlz.. XD thank u!! ;D
sharlene:hellohs shar :}
denise:LOL yeahh cup noodles haha :DD miss u too de!!
Fatty mad:yahh keep seein u in lot 1 these days haha XD
Dabbie:I NOT CHIOBU!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahas thnx for th tag >.-
Yinhui:yoz..thanks for taggin ;D
Yiling:LOL emo retards!! XD
bearlover: wee~woaini too!!
shaoyi:THANK U!!!
ha2:yes u are dun deny it luhh!!^^
Mandy:tyty for ur tag ;))
Jeslyn:) :LOL yahh XD hui ping hahas

ends at 7:10 PM

17 June 2009Y

hellohs came back le hahs :)
thank god still gt ppl tag n support me
thnx!! ;D
havin fun last 6 days omg my hmwrk!!
die liaos
actually wan to do at the hotel thr de
but the tv in the hotel got channel v thn got mfbbt
wth -.- i was distracted
tht was how i came bac wid NONE of my hmwrk done
yay.. *raises n waves a white flag* =.='

thn i damn sad luhh
i almost can see bbt de lahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but nvr see them..
wtffffffff sadded :((((
thn walk on the streets got many shuai ge mwahahahaha... XD
unlike spore so less.. :P
wan put photos but..WHR MY USB??!!
nvm luhhs...haishh
okay time to reply taggs!!

reply tags

evonne:yeahh i rmb u big chiobu!!! ;)
atikah:))))))):u have to type out the quiz lol..u goin malaysia rite?hahs..i dun even have drawing block... ._.
shermaine:I luv u shersher thanks for taqqin!!!I havent done any of my hmwrk omg.. O.o
mandy:Linked u!! ;D nice blog lehh
Glen:Thanks for the reminder!! >.- u passup le mahh?
daphine:thnx haha but i nvr get to see them lehh so sad..anw they r Bang Bang tang not pang pang tang lahh XD
Fatty mad:thank u!! <3
yiling:lol i come back liao lorhh =} miss u too!
shaoyi:wowowowowowowow.....did u make it?so cute lahh the shinchan heez =D

ends at 10:21 PM

10 June 2009Y

Went out wid daph n mad tuhhday :D
Thn i bout bbt poker cards n a new shirt
i finally bear to part wid my money lolz..
thn sry to linqq cnt go out wid her :P
tmr goin overseas le i will miss u guys de
muz miss me oso!!! ._.
i will be absent frm this blog frm 10/6 to 16/6
so bye~!! >.-

reply tags

MANDY!:hellohs ;D
Shermaine:Yeahh cuz i goin overseas if u msg i wont reply n will be expensive :) love u!!<3
Fatty mad:wow..tag me 2 times wid exactly the same words lolz XD thnx for taqqin!!
daphine:okayy met liao haha
bearlover;lingg:when i come bac will pei u go de lahhs..thn wish he will come out of his hse lols =D
atikah:))))))): lawlz tag so many!!haha tyty for ur taqs :) yeahh my skin is dam preeeeeeeeeeety hahas XD yah not goin bac le dun sad luhhs..i goin somewhr on earth for holi ._____. haha

ends at 12:53 AM

08 June 2009Y

have CO today..
keep practising now my fingers HURT!!!
thn go hme tht time saw linqq :O
woo~she pei me go my hse thr
so good =D
so i went bac n eat dinner
thn now im here mwahahahaha...

Reply tags

Shaoyi:Thnx u!!! >.-
bearlover ; lingg:yeahh i saw u!! ;D he whr gt dun like u?dun so no confience lahh u so chio!! :)
Uncle glen:Lawlz girls frm outerspace?!Astronauts?Aliens? O.o haha XD thnx for taqqin!!
Shermaine:Yay tags for me!! I happily receive it ;)
Daphine:tell me wad time =O




ends at 6:59 PM

05 June 2009Y

today very sian..
slp n wake up thn slp thn wake up...
okay endin this post

ends at 9:39 PM

03 June 2009Y

nth to do..
so did this!!
tagged by linqq<3

All of the 14 people must do this quiz,unless he/she doesn't have a blog or have already done this quiz.Write the names of 14 people you can think of the top of your head, then answer the questions.


How did you get to meet 7?
(insyira) In BBSS on tht beautiful day =)

What would you do if you and 13 never met?
(Shilin) I would not have a granddaughter..thats sad

What would you do if 1 and 12 date?
(linqq n crystal) Ohh plz..thts SO impossible XD

Have you ever seen 14 cry?
(ruth) nopes :) she's hyper n brave I dun think i'll ever c her cry

Would 4 and 11 be a good couple?
(atikah n glen) uhh..no way? atikah likes diet thn not sure bout uncle glen

Do you think 11 is attractive?
(glen) BAHAHAHA..!!maybe?Wad do u guys think? =D

What's 2's favourite colour?
(elise)"Depends ;D" this is wad she said when i sms her n ask her +)

When was the last time you talked to 9?
(yiling-BBSS)On 1st june i think..aww i miss her!!! T.T retarded emos RULEZ!!

What language does 8 speak?
(shaoyi)english n chinese n maybe her own alien language? :D

Who is 13 going out with?
(shilin) I oso wan noe lehh.. =(

What grade is 12 in?
(Crystal) Grade?I only noe she is 13 n in sec1 ^^

Would you ever date with 10?
(him<3)(purposely put him 10 de =P) YESYESYES!! I WILL I WILL I WILL!!

What's the best thing about 3?
(Mad) She has nice long legs(not bein sarcastic) n she rawkz!! >.- hahs

What's the best thing about 8?
(shaoyi) She's adorable ^^

Have you ever kissed 5?
(shermaine) uhh?No way..BUT I LOVE HER!!! =D

What was the best memory you have with 7?
(Insyira) -thinkin- so many luhhs.. >.-

When's the last time you're going to see 6?
(hasinah) 1 june i miss her too!!

How is 12 and 14 different?
(crystal n ruth) gosh so easy!! crystal so emo ruth so hyper ;)

Is 6 pretty?
(Hasinah) YEAHH!!Haz.. sure will like her one XP

How did you meet 5?
(Shermaine) In BBSS on tht fateful day.. +D

Is 1 your best friend?
(linqq) YES?! She juz rawks my life!

Do you hate 12?
(Crystal) Why should i hate her?! she rox can?

Have you seen 4 on the last month?
(atikah) of cuz luhh..got sch last month lehh =]

When was the last time you talked to 3?
(Mad) today durin this afternoon ;D

Have you been to 5's house?
(shermaine) no..so sadded luhhs I WAN GO!! :(

When's the last time you gonna see 10?
(him<3)this afternoon

Are you close to 13?
(Shilin) Of curz she's my granddaughter

Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before?
(Atikah) She so guai n busy plus i so poor..haiishh..u think lehh? :S

Have you ever gotten into trouble with 8?
(shaoyi) We r gd citizens n nice students,we nvr get into trouble ;)

Would you give 2 a hug?
(Elise) Yes lahh..she rawkz mahh :}

When have you ever lied to 3?
(Mad) Today :O I told her i was in the lift but actually i was still waitin for the lift.. SHUSH!! Dun tell her!!

Is 1 good with socializing?
(linqq) yahh although kinda shy but its so dam easy to make frenz wid her if u tok to her first (=

Do you know secrets about 9?
(yiling-BBSS) sheesh..i noe no secrets bout her :X

Describe the relationship between 12 and 14.
(Crystal n ruth) classmates? O.o frenz? Not sure..heez :P

Best thing about your friendship with 9?

What's the worst thing about 6?
(Hasinah) The worst things bout her is this n tht n tht n this n blabla...get it? =}

Have you ever had a crush on 12?
(Crystal) NO?! We have the same body parts ._.

Does 14 have a girlfriend or boyfriend?
(Ruth) I think she has a boyfren.. not sure again.. D+

Have you ever wanted to punch 1's face?
(linqq) Y shld i punch her face?She's so cute n chio n doesnt piss me off ~.~

Has 2 met your mother?
(Elise) yah she saw my ma bfore..she was surprised at how not tall my ma is..

How did you get to meet 3?
(mad) In cckps on tht gorgeous morning.............................................................I MET HER!!!

Did you ever physically hurt 3?
(mad) idk..=0 cnt rmb anything!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG.. =.='

Do you live close to 7?
(Insyira) yes we live in the same small dot on the map

Whats 8's favourite food?
(Shaoyi) idk again!!OMGOMGOMGOMG.. -.-

What kind of car does 1 have?
(linqq) Ask me tht maybe..10 years ltr?

Have you travelled anywhere with 9 before?
(yiling-BBSS) a lotta times..got 1 time i rmb is we travelled frm inside the class to outside the class tgt

If you give 14 $100, what will he/she spend it on?
(ruth) idk AGAIN.. -.-

end of quiz :D

Reply tags ^^
shermaine: hahs she nvr badmouth u infrnt of ur mother? gd for u lawlz :D
bearlover:lolz..but today when we c him i wear like shit lahhs!! =X u n ur him oso faster stead lahh..since both of u like each other XD
mandy:hellos ;D thnx for taggin!!
atikah: :):):):):)
sharlene♥: I saw urs le lahh..but too bad u nvr c mine :}
Glen:hahs :) emo means retarded mehh? O.o
☆Y I L I N G: yeahh we rule!! +D

ends at 8:57 PM